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Assigning Static IP's & Client ID's

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 7:34 pm
I am trying convert all my settings from my old router to the new one (specifically the Static IP settings).

The issue that I am having is that I don't really understand the Client ID part of it.

Question 1: How does the Client ID get determined, and can I not manually edit it?

It seems that if it is anything other that what the Router decides it should be it doesn't actually accept the static setting. (see Client-ID.gif attached)
(I know it is currently blank, but what you see there is what it is no matter what "I" actually put in there)

Question 2: I am not sure if this is related at all or not, but here it goes . . . I also have 2 Netgear G108E's in my network. Do they not get assigned IP's as well, and why don't I see them show up on any of the DHCP lists?

Thanks again for any help you can give.

Re: Assigning Static IP's & Client ID's

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 8:59 pm
by sadeghrafie
Q1: Check your knowledge with
Caller Id is not too important in basic setting.

Q2: Do the two Netgear Layer2 device? if yes, check whether they accept IP form DHCP server or not.

Re: Assigning Static IP's & Client ID's

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 9:22 pm
Thanks for the response. I appreciate the help.
Q1: Check your knowledge with
Caller Id is not too important in basic setting.
I sort of figured that the Client ID was not that important, but for some reason that I don't understand yet if I don't have it in there, OR, don't have the one that is created by the router itself, then I can't assign a static IP to a device defined by it's MAC. The status just stays as "Waiting" as per the image I have included.

I've looked over the link you sent and I don't see where it is on the page that it addresses the Client ID with regards to what it is I am trying to do. Could you clarify it for me please?
Q2: Do the two Netgear Layer2 device? if yes, check whether they accept IP form DHCP server or not.
I believe they are Layer 2 but I'll have to check. They DO accept an IP as assigned by the router, it is just that I can not see it in the routers list of IP's that have been handed out. That is probably due to my lack of knowledge regarding exactly what Layer 1,2 &3 are and how they work. I've seen them mentioned in passing but have not given it much thought until now.

The Switches by netgear have a program you use to access them and to adjust (among other things) the setting the "Static" IP. I just can't see it in the router when I go look to see if the router gave it to the switch, and therefore I can't 'reserve' that IP for the switch, especially if I don't know what the Client ID is going to be - - - which ties to my original question regarding the Client ID and not being able to set it and have the status be 'bound' as in the image I have sent in the original post.

Your assistance would again be appreciated.


Re: Assigning Static IP's & Client ID's

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 9:33 pm
by sadeghrafie
Sorry, I have to go now but for tomorrow I am able to answer you.
BTW, i have this working.
See the user which No client ID

Re: Assigning Static IP's & Client ID's

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:11 pm
I do, but the IP is being delivered by the Router Dynamically. Dynamic=yes
Try setting the the IP to an IP of 'your' choosing and tell me what happens.

Thanks for the reply!

Re: Assigning Static IP's & Client ID's

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 1:21 pm
by sadeghrafie
Did you check Your Interface arp property? May be it is set to reply-only and the the MAC address of your client which add static IP is not in the arp entry!!

And this is mine:

Re: Assigning Static IP's & Client ID's

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 1:58 am
Did you check Your Interface arp property?
Where would I do this exactly?

Thanks again for the help.

Re: Assigning Static IP's & Client ID's

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 2:09 am
by fewi
Linking to your other thread about the same topic so people trying to help you out don't duplicate efforts all over the place: