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best solution for 4 floor bulding

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:59 pm
by reza.mnp
the picture shown building 70M*15M contain 100 room in 4 floor.
1-best solution (outdoor) for coverage all room with Mikrotik AP ?
2-best routerboard and radio and antenna for this solution(2.4 ghz) ?
total internet 50M share for all (200 user online).

Re: best solution for 4 floor bulding

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:41 pm
by cieplik206
Hi Reza

If you want to put AP outside the building to cover interior, this aprroach is not good becouse walls and windows will prevent you to get goot signal coverage inside.

I would do it by installing multiple access points inside. Number of devices depends on signal propagation inside (what walls are made from etc)
Ideally would be to get ethernet connection to back side on each AP, if that is not technically possible then I would use a Double radio devices and mesh them toghether.
If floor.ceiling is too think to bypass signal and that will prevent you to mesh netowrk also a good approach is to use those Ethernet Over Powerline devices

Re: best solution for 4 floor bulding

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 11:18 pm
by cybercoder
You can use 2 or 3 Sector Antenna with high power to cover most of the area.
if signal in some places be low, then you can use indoor AP's to cover that places.

I think you can decrease the costs by this method.