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VLAN configurations

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:30 pm
by Marce
Hi everyone,

I have a Mikrotik RB450G as a gateway and two Mikrotiks RB411AR as a Access point.

Ether1 of Mikrotik RB450G is connected to internet access and Ether2 to switch / level2. We have connected two APs to the switch as a picture.

We want that appear different hotspot per antenna, but these are connected in the same interface. For this reason, we have created two VLANs:
- VLAN1 (ID 2) over Ether2: DHCP ( HOTSPOT (
- VLAN2 (ID 3) over Ether2: DHCP ( HOTSPOT (

Both hotspots and both DHCP are created in RB450G.

In APs 411AR we configure bridge with ether1 and wlan. And over bridge, vlans.

We can ping from RB450G to AP 411AR, but don’t pass DHCP traffic across a bridge?

I would appreciate if you help me

Re: VLAN configurations

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 4:44 pm
by chadii
Common mistake. On your 411ar u wont add eth1 on bridge. Get it like this:

First HotSpot 411Ar -1

Add Vlan1(ID2) and wlan u want to bridge with only.

Second HotSpot 411Ar -2

Add Vlan2(ID3) and wlan u want to bridge with only.

Now for management u can create another vlan for management on your rb450 lets say Vlan20 Id 20.
Then u create the same Vlan Id on your 411ar and set an ip on it. Or u can just set any ip u want on eth0.
The thing is, dont get your management interface in the bridge. And never put the real interface in the bridge
if u have vlans running on it!

Re: VLAN configurations

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:05 pm
by dasiu
On RB411AR - you should add vlan interface on ether1 interface. And then you should bridge vlan interface with wlan1 interface :). So not the vlan over bridge (that makes tagged frames go through wireless to clients), but bridge over vlan (vlan is untagging frames from ether1, and then they go to wireless clients).

Re: VLAN configurations

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:50 am
by Marce
Thank you very much both of you, It's work now. But I have another question:
¿can I put a Mikrotik interface as a trunk ?
I have only a default route, and the traffic only can go through a vlan.

"/ip route
add comment="" disabled=no distance=1 dst-address= gateway=\ scope=30 target-scope=10"

Which may be the option? Routing mark?


Re: VLAN configurations

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:45 am
by chadii
Yes Marce, u can use trunk port. Just tag differente gateways on your switch, and have
valid gateways on them. After that create routing-marks, and after that u can separate it
on ip route. :D!