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eoip bridge Arp problem

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 2:27 pm
by piwi3910
i have a verry strange problem...
i configured a lot of eoip tunnels with bridging but this problem really bugs me.. so all you network wizz, pls give me a hand...

local lan---------router A -----eoip-------router B-------local lan

both routers do bridging... of the eoip interface and the local lan interface.
both eoip endpoint have a non-existing mac adress on them.
the eoip and the local lan and the underlying interfaces all have arp enabled.
router a has local lan set to proxy-arp, for the PPTP dailin users with the same ip's as the local lan interface

so i see traffic flowing in the bridge on both i see traffic on the eoip interface on both... now the problem...

if ip ping from router A to a router B adress on the local lan i get no reply.
if i ping from a pc after router A to a router B adress no reply...
not even arp...
if i ping from router B to router A or a pc after router A instant reply...
i get arp entries in both routers and pc
if i then ping from router A to B it works
ping from pc to router B works

after about 5 min of no traffic from router reply from the router and pc time-out.
if i look in the router A arp table the adress is still there.
in the pc it says mac 00:00:00:00:00:00 invallid
if i ping from router B to A or the pc i have no reply...
if i now delete the arp from router A and from the PC
i have ping reply again in both directions for 5 minutes...

so my conclusion is.... arp reply and request comming from router B to A or pc work...
arp reply/requests from router A or pc to router B don't

i have absolutly no idea what to do...

any idea's

pls guys

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2005 8:05 pm
by piwi3910
pls guys...
normis or who ever....
i need your help

pls pls pls

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 10:37 am
by piwi3910
any idea's

Re: eoip bridge Arp problem

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 7:05 pm
by sledzik1984
Have you fixed the problem? I have same in my setup