Forum. We have a subscribers who is having a problem with the current version of Router OS and compatibility with ISA. In a nutshell, the Mikrotik is changing the CALL-ID in the PPTP packets. This is not RFC compliant and ISA2004 is the first filter I’ve seen actually enforce it, but it should.
Here's what we found:
External Trace: Frame 1273 Call Request.
PPTP: Call ID = 512 (0x200)
Frame 1281 Call Response
PPTP: Call ID = 10771 (0x2A13)
The call ID’s should remain the same for the rest of this session.
Frame 1295 (Call ID response from the remote VPN Server) Set Link Info
PPTP: Call ID = 1252 (0x4E4)
An immediate ACK_RESET send from ISA to remote VPN Server and Client. And Should be.
Any advise is greatly appreciated.