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Wpa2-eap + radius Filter-Id - does this work?

Tue Jan 10, 2012 6:25 pm

Hi all,

I have a wireless access point, configured to use wpa2-eap against a radius server to authenticate. So far, this works fine.

I've configured the radius server to return the Filter-Id attribute in an effort to create a custom firewall rule for each person connected to the access point, but so far I don't see the access point doing anything in response to the Filter-Id attribute - no rules are created that I can see.

Does Filter-Id work with wireless + radius?

Does anyone have a quick howto that describes what you need to do to get this to work?

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Re: Wpa2-eap + radius Filter-Id - does this work?

Sat Feb 18, 2012 10:51 pm

I'd like to know this, too!

Is Filter-Id ignored for EAP authentication RADIUS replies?