I'm having a hard time figuring this out. I have a UBNT radio plugged into an interface on a 450G. This UBNT link not only has to carry a data VLAN, but the management interface of the UBNT is on a separate VLAN as well. This particular 450G has several other UBNT radios on different ports - each has it's own data VLAN, and the -same- management VLAN. Therefore, I have a common management VLAN that needs to be assigned to every port that has a UBNT radio, and a unique data VLAN per port as well. Both should be tagged.
This is simple in Cisco-land. I create a SVI (virtual VLAN interface), assign an IP to that interface, and then assign the VLAN to each port that needs access to that particular VLAN.
Can someone help me figure this out in RouterOS? How are others handling this?