I am new ISP operator. Yesterday one of my custommers, which has an IP address asked me to do a port forwarding. The port number is 5992. My topology is: External address-> MT1-> MT2-> custommer. What can I do?
/ip firewall nat add chain=dst-nat dst-address=x.x.x.x (external address) protocol=tcp (tcp/udp or any) dst-port=5992 action=dst-nat to-addresses=y.y.y.y (customer address) to-ports=5992 (customer port)
Well, The topology is as follows:Read mikrotik wiki
or give more information
What is the customers client? MT or TP-link etc.
Where would you do the forwarding? In your gateway, or in the customers client?
Port forward example:Code: Select all/ip firewall nat add chain=dst-nat dst-address=x.x.x.x (external address) protocol=tcp (tcp/udp or any) dst-port=5992 action=dst-nat to-addresses=y.y.y.y (customer address) to-ports=5992 (customer port)