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Wireless Link setup - advice needed on products

Wed Feb 22, 2012 1:28 am

Hi there,
I'm looking to setup a new wireless link in the UK but I need some help with products selecting. There are few part to this potential setup which I'll outlay here:
Its worth noting that in the UK we can use upto 36db.

Link 1:
PtP setup (bridge)
Distance 1.5km (upto) - The height needs to go above 2 story houses
Throughput ideally required 200/50MB D/L; but I can settle for 100/30.
Must use 5Ghz (ideally band C)
Noise over the link = low/none
LOS & flat terrain

1) What products could I achieve this with
2) How can I ensure stability of the link
3) Will there be any affect by rain/wind/snow/fog
4) Is it possible to increase the throughput to 1GB/500mb
5) What is the reliability of the product(s)

Link 2:
PtPM setup (AP to CPE)
Distance 1.2km (upto) - The height needs to go above 2 story houses
Throughput ideally required for each client 100/10 but can settle for 50/5
Must use 5Ghz (ideally band C/B)
Noise over the link = low/medium
LOS & flat terrain
Upto 800 clients to serve from one tower if possible?

1) What products could I achieve this with (AP and CPE types)
2) How can I ensure stability of the link over that many clients
3) Is it possible to do with from one base tower (vertically or horizontally)

Thank you
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Re: Wireless Link setup - advice needed on products

Tue Feb 28, 2012 7:11 pm

planning to set up ISP service?