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EOIP Queue

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:22 pm
by routerboarda
i have a Problem shapping my traffic with queue, here is my scenario:

One Routerboard 1100 with 5.12 is connected to a x86 on 5.8.
inbetween is some routed network obove i create an eoip tunnel and bridge it to an ethernet port on each side. works fine no problems with that (i created 6 of this constructions between the both routers)

But now i want to restict the bandwith of each tunnel. but the simple queue doesnt match a single bit, if i choose the physical port, the bridge or the tunnel. same for queue tree. i tried both mikrotiks. the next idea would be packet mark, but i am afraid of to much load (approx 200 Mbit small packages)

any idea or hint?


Re: EOIP Queue

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 6:13 pm
by routerboarda
solved by my self...
/interface bridges - settings - use ip firewall


Re: EOIP Queue

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 2:13 pm
by arisk
This is a very old thread, however my solution may come in handy to someone.
I checked "Use IP Firewall" on Bridge tab, as routerboarda stated above.
I chose to have no parent for my simple queue.
I set as Target my bridge(eoip tunnel along with a physical interface).
I set no Dst.(cause traffic from my eoip tunnel goes to a sole destination anyway).
Now my queue works.

Re: EOIP Queue

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2020 11:48 am
by chillisock7
This seems to work very nicely, I'm trying to limit eoip tunnels into our cloud computing environment and this did the trick. So thank you!
We don't charge clients for data uploaded/downloaded into their private cloud but need to use these queues to share the available bandwidth in the multitenant environment..
This is a very old thread, however my solution may come in handy to someone.
I checked "Use IP Firewall" on Bridge tab, as routerboarda stated above.
I chose to have no parent for my simple queue.
I set as Target my bridge(eoip tunnel along with a physical interface).
I set no Dst.(cause traffic from my eoip tunnel goes to a sole destination anyway).
Now my queue works.