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Remote Access to Login.html

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:39 am
by kozmonov
I have a working hotspot setup with some banner advertisements in the login page that I change out pretty often. I have been trying to figure out how I can remotely view the mikrotik's web server. So, for instance, when I make a change to login.html remotely, how can i view what the Mikrotik is serving out to internal hotspot users?

I tried to forward a port to the mikrotik's internal IP address but this did not work for me... Any Ideas? Is Anybody currently doing this?

Thanks in advance

Re: Remote Access to Login.html

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:01 am
by peterd

You can setup an eoip tunnel and put it in a bridge with hotspot to be on the hotspot side to see the login page.


SiteA - mikrotik with public ip
SiteB - mikrotik with public ip and hotspot running

eoip tunnel from SiteA to SiteB
SiteB - bridge with eoip interface and hotspot interface

Job done.

Re: Remote Access to Login.html

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:54 pm
by kozmonov
Thanks for this idea. That sounds like it would work. Do you know of anyway to do this without another mikrotik device?

For instance how can i do this from the airport?