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ip route print and large route tables

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 6:06 pm
by jvr
Hello all,

I have a router that's part of an OSPF/iBGP mesh that has full BGP route tables. This router also has several static routes. Is there any simple way to show just the static routes? The command /ip route print where Flags=S (or Flag=S) doesn't seem to do anything, and I can't find anything in the wiki. I saw a past post that referenced multiple filter options in Winbox but the only one I see is dst-address. I'm running 5.5 on x86.

Re: ip route print and large route tables

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:59 pm
by cybercoder
/ip route print where !bgp !ospf

Re: ip route print and large route tables

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 8:06 am
by blake
/ip route print where static

Re: ip route print and large route tables

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:55 am
by jvr
I forgot to thank you, that was exactly what I needed! Thanks.