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Feature Request: Bonding based on packet loss/jitter

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:55 pm
by jsm9153
We've been looking for a more intelligent mechanism to bond ethernet connections in a primary/backup configuration using latency, packet loss and jitter characteristics of the loops/tunnels involved.

Say you have a RB750 at a customer prem and have two different upstream providers. There's a EoIP tunnel provisioned from the RB750 through each upstream to a terminating RB1100AHx2 type device.
         | Provider A/EoIP1 |
RB750  - |                  | - Internet - | - RB1100
         | Provider B/EoIP2 |
The two EoIP tunnels are provisioned in a primary/backup configuration, however the additional metric(s) of latency, jitter and packet loss across each EoIP tunnel can be used to determine if/when the choice is made to switch from the primary provider to the backup provider.

Many times we deal with degraded performance issues as opposed to simple up/down scenarios. Having some way to cope with these types of issues automatically would be very beneficial.