I have moved from UM 4.17 Up to 5.13? be cause this was the first version supporting adding via cmd limitations and profiles.
First I would like to know when reports will work just like in 4.17 where they simply : worked.
I cannot create normal report of earned money - from 2 months I recieve the same generated view with the same users - "new" used premium accounts simply doesn't appear in reports.
Next is how to transfer data from old UM to v5 - i have worked some time and I have moved sessions and logs from v4 to v5 but despite I have moved that data, the used accounts became active - I can even start it manually but with script - not by mouse
Does anybody have any scripts generating informations or for movment from v4 to v5 ?
I need v5 be cause of SSTP VPN but the same router is USER MANAGER database and the change is connected
ps. AND WHY in price column un users price i twice higher than in limitations?