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Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:49 pm
by miooodek

I bought a 750gl(routerOS v5.9) router today, I was convinced that it has a built-in RADIUS server which turned out to be untrue, but I learned about the User Manager, but I'm having problem with installation.

Is it possible to host a Radius(or sort of) on this router so access points can use it?
Thanks in advance

Re: Radius

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 12:45 am
by acim
Use rManager is RADIUS, there is nothing else like that on Mikrotik. If you want fully featured RADIUS, you have to run it on Linux.

Re: Radius

Posted: Sat Apr 07, 2012 12:11 pm
by miooodek
I have created Customer/User/Profile and tryied to login via wifi but without result
   /tool user-manager profile
add name=Home name-for-users="" override-shared-users=off price=0 starts-at=\
    logon validity=0s
/tool user-manager customer
add backup-allowed=yes disabled=no login=admin parent=admin password=12345 \
    paypal-accept-pending=no paypal-allowed=no paypal-secure-response=no \
    permissions=owner signup-allowed=no time-zone=-00:00
add backup-allowed=no disabled=no login=miooodek parent=admin password=\
    12345 paypal-accept-pending=no paypal-allowed=no \
    paypal-secure-response=no permissions=read-write signup-allowed=no \
/tool user-manager router
add coa-port=1700 customer=miooodek disabled=no ip-address= log=\
    auth-ok,auth-fail,acct-ok,acct-fail name=TPLink shared-secret=12345
/tool user-manager user
add customer=miooodek disabled=no first-name=\
    "Michal" name=miooodek password=12345 \
     shared-users=1 wireless-enc-algo=aes-ccm wireless-enc-key=\
    12345 wireless-psk=12345

And this is log, from my connection attemp from tplink AP configured for radius authorization
 7 customer=miooodek user-orig="miooodek\00" nas-port=1 
   nas-port-type=wireless-802.11 nas-port-id="STA port # 1" 
   calling-station-id="00-15-AF-DD-98-D5" host-ip= 
   status=authorization-failure time=jan/02/1970 01:21:23 
   description="user <miooodek\00> not found for user <miooodek\00>" 

Sorry about lame posting, but it is my first time configuring radius

Thanks in advans for any suggestion :)