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Bug report

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 7:20 am
by gsloop
It appears to be a bug in WinBox [not sure if it occurs via other methods, but I know it occurs in Winbox.]

If you go into System | Scheduler and add a new scheduled item, it appears to add the next run time based on GMT, and not on the localized time-zone as set in the TZ.
[It's easy enough to modify, but one expects it default to the current local time, not GMT time.

This will cause jobs NOT to run as one might expect. [Not for hours yet, or even nearly a day from now, depending on your offset to GMT.]

It should calculate the current local time as set in the TZ and arrange for the job to run at the current local time, rather than at GMT without the local TZ offset..

v5.12 on RB450G

Re: Bug report Layer 7 v6.40.4 on RB951G

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 3:46 pm
by WinstonV

as you can see on the screenshot its showing unknown on layer 7 tab which is supposed to be named "Files" but instead its showing "Streaming"
on previous version its working fine and now with the new update its unstable.
Hope theres a solution I am sorry for my bad english.



Re: Bug report

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 1:26 am
by sid5632
STOP posting the same thing multiple times and hijacking other threads.