Mikrotik team has created a entry in his wiki for new features:
http://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/MikroTik_ ... mplemented
If you want to vote for some feature request you need to register on the wiki and edit the page adding your nick and time of the vote as other users did.
The feature request for this post seems to be this:
Add option when specifying DNS servers to set which domains they are authoritative for. There is sometimes need to direct DNS query for specific domains to specific DNS server. Example: if I use and as DNS severs I would like to be able to add as DNS for domain somedomain.loc and his subdomains. That would allow Mikrotik to generaly use first two DNS servers but if there is request for somedomain.loc or it's subdomains it will use third DNS. This is needed for handling internal DNS for large networks, where there are several local DNS servers each handling his own local (sub)domain. This would be similar in function to the dnsmasq --server feature.
Search it on the wiki page and add your vote after it if you want to see this implemented.