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MikroTik Bandwidth

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:51 am
by hyp3R
Hello guys, long time now see. Since I m back to some MikroTik configuring and such, I need a small assist from you guys, just to make sure I made it alright.

Right now I m working for one VOIP call center and I have installed the network with cisco switch, RB433 and DLS modem.

Since sometimes everything just stops working for no reason, fellows from my ISP told me that there must be a problem with using max bandwidth so I want to limit maximum bandwidth use to like 90%, so at least always 10% is available so everything keeps working normally.

What I've done is simple queue:
/queue simple
add burst-limit=0/0 burst-threshold=0/0 burst-time=0s/0s direction=both \
disabled=no interface=all limit-at=2764924/2764924 max-limit=\
2764924/2764924 name="2.7MB - Limit" packet-marks="" parent=none priority=1 \
queue=default-small/default-small target-addresses="" total-queue=\
Basically our total bandwidth is 3mb/3mb so I decided to use around 2.7mb for total bandwidth of network. Is this rule above enough and will it really prevent any other "data overflow" ?

Thanks in advance,

Re: MikroTik Bandwidth

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 7:28 pm
by Feklar
I don't use simple queues, so I can't speak to that specific rule, but it should work. You can test it and see what happens. One way that might work better is to use a queue tree at the interface level.
/queue tree
add disabled=no limit-at=0 max-limit=2700k name="Download" parent="LAN" priority=8
add disabled=no limit-at=0 max-limit=2700k name="Upload" parent="WAN" priority=8
We tend to use Queue trees for global limits like you are talking about in our hotspot setups, and then use simple queues for individual user limits.

Re: MikroTik Bandwidth

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 9:14 pm
by hyp3R
I don't understand. Why did you use download on one interface and upload on another ?

I simply want not to use full amount of internet we have (3mb), I want 2.7mb to flow in both directions so 0.3 is always free.

So I don't understand the rules you wrote. Why did you name Download as LAN and the other interface as WAN. I simply want to limit bandwidth in my network, that's all.

Re: MikroTik Bandwidth

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:49 pm
by ditonet
I don't understand. Why did you use download on one interface and upload on another ?
Traffic shaping should be implemented on egress interface.
Feklar is right, one queue for download and one for upload.


Re: MikroTik Bandwidth

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:10 pm
by Feklar
The reason why you have two queues, one for upload and one for download, is because the router cannot control the amount of traffic it receives on a given interface. It can only control the amount of traffic it sends out of a given interface.

So that means, any traffic leaving the LAN interface (download traffic) is limited to 2.7 Mbps, and any traffic leaving the WAN interface (upload traffic) is limited to 2.7 Mbps.

Re: MikroTik Bandwidth

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:04 pm
by el berto
Hi, I'm making experiments to understand about Simple Queues.

ROuterBoard1 (IP address connected to RB750 (ether3), then RB750 (ether5) connected to RB411 (ether1).
Ether3 and ether5 on RB750 are bridged.

I've set on RB750 a simple queue:
name=queue1 max-limit=64k/64k target-address=
I've also tryed:
name=queue1 max-limit=64k/64k interface=ether3
I'm making Bandwidth test on RB1 ( to RB411 ( but I always have speed up to 97MB.
What's wrong?

My goal is to make VLAN Trunking with a couple of RB750 and limit speed for a specific VLAN.