I would like to request the above feature for the RB700 or possibly other routerboards.
This is the functionalities that I would like to request to be added to the RouterOS firmware.
Wireless Clients > Microtik Wireless AP ----- (AP + Wireless Bridge (AP Client) mode) ----- Remote AP (non WDS) > Internet
Wireless Clients > Microtik Wireless AP ----- (Universal Repeater mode) ----- Remote AP (non WDS) > Internet
This is a very useful functionality to allow the Mikrotik router be both an AP while connecting to a remote AP as a client as a gateway to the internet.
These functions are very common for routers these days and even available on low priced routers as well as on DD_WRT.
http://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Un ... s_Repeater
Discussions around these shows that this only work with a WDS link or requires 2 wlan card but I believe the limiting factor is the software rather than hardware.
http://www.mail-archive.com/mikrotik@ma ... 04864.html
http://www.mail-archive.com/mikrotik@ma ... 03143.html
Therefore appreciate it if Mikrotik would seriously consider this feature to be added. Thank you.