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Multi-public IP to NAT forwarding

Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:21 pm

Hey guys, I'm just wondering if someone can point me in the right direction for setting up a router on a /26 connection that a client has installed from a cable provider.

The provider is not doing routing, and so we need to configure this router as the internal system.

In my experience, if i have servers in a datacenter, I'm given a set of IP addresses I can use, a gateway, subnet, etc. But int his case I'm just given the following:

P2P /30=
Subnet =

Subnet =
Sixty Two usables starting with

I'm not sure what to do with that info, but I'm going to make a guess...

I set the WAN port on my mikrotik to, and I create a route to ??
I will need to set .193, 194, 195, etc, etc... to the WAN port and forward that to the NAT side, which I believe I can do with the info as follows:

add interface=WAN address=
add interface=WAN address=, etc, etc.
add chain=srcnat out-interface=WAN src-address= action=src-nat to-address=
add chain=srcnat out-interface=WAN src-address= action=src-nat to-address=
add chain=srcnat out-interface=WAN src-address= action=src-nat to-address=
add chain=dstnat in-interface=WAN dst-address= action=dst-nat to-address=
add chain=dstnat in-interface=WAN dst-address= action=dst-nat to-address=

And so on... and I'd set port numbers if I just wanted to forward a single port, etc.

I'm mainly confused how to setup the route to the ISP from the router. Am I right above? ISP gives ip and subnet, but its on another network, so I'm concerned it wont route? Sorry for my ignorance.
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Re: Re: Multi-public IP to NAT forwarding

Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:57 am

You have an entire 26bit long subnet routed to you by your isp. You just need to assign your client address ( to your WAN iface and to your LAN interface and simply add default 0/0 route to your ISP gateway .205
Then you can assign any IP of your given 26bit subnet (excluding the gateway of course) to internal network devices. No NAT needed.

I'm not sure, but I think you'll have to dedicate entire separate router just for that.. This kind of router is called "Edge router", I think?
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Re: Multi-public IP to NAT forwarding

Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:27 am

Thanks for the input taduikis.

That is definitely different than I thought it would be. I have to install this tomorrow, so I'm hoping someone can shed a little more light on this, but my client wants NAT internally for firewall purposes and that is how the machines are all configured right now, so I'd really like to keep it that way.

Anyone else?
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Re: Multi-public IP to NAT forwarding

Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:03 pm

I think you are on the right path. If you want public IP-s to be assigned to local IP-s behind NAT
then you need to use netmap which is the same as the rules you have specified. Only that netmap
rules should be above the nat rule.
/ip address
add address= interface=WAN
add address= interface=WAN
/ip firewall nat
add cahin=dstnat dst-address= action=netmap to-address=
add chain=srcnat src-address= action=netmap to-address=
add chain=srcnat action=masquerade
and so on
or you can try to assign two local interfaces, in one of them connect the devices that would need
the public IP-s and on the other the devices which need to be nated. Then create bridge between
the WAN interface and local interface of Public IP-s. After that try to assign the public IP-s to the
devices. I vaguely remember such a setup.
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Re: Multi-public IP to NAT forwarding

Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:56 pm

Thanks guys for the help. I'm almost there. My last question is, can I just forward ports to the nated addresses? and what about this configuration....
/ip address
add interface=LAN address=
add interface=WAN address=
add interface=WAN address=
add interface=WAN address=
/ip firewall nat
add chain=srcnat out-interface=WAN src-address= action=src-nat to-address=
add chain=srcnat out-interface=WAN src-address= action=src-nat to-address=
add chain=srcnat out-interface=WAN src-address= action=src-nat to-address=
add chain=dstnat in-interface=WAN dst-address= action=dst-nat to-address=
Basically, I'd like the to make it so that some computers can come from their respective IP's and others can just go out the default IP... above and so on are my public.
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Re: Multi-public IP to NAT forwarding

Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:21 am

Alright guys, I got it all working great. Thanks for all the help in making this work. I did have one last question.

I noticed that MASQ was at the bottom of the nat list... it did not seem to work unless that was the case. When it's at the top, I was unable to get onto the internet if I recall correctly.
My home mikrotik has MASQ at the top... can anyone explain why this works different in each case?

I've chosen to go the route of SCRNAT and DSTNAT rather than NETMAP that you mentioned above. That also is a question I had, what the difference is. But I think one is just forwarding all the port in one command, and the other is forwarding port by port = poor mans firewall? I guess I could setup firewall rules that would block traffic when in NETMAP mode, is that correct? Sorry for all the dumb questions. But very excited that I'm half understanding some of this stuff.... I hope. :)
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Re: Multi-public IP to NAT forwarding

Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:23 am

in manual you can read about chains:

and how packets are processed in chain. If some rule caches packet and processes it (for example accepts it) it is passed further as you can see in

in nat - this order is very important as with different order different rules and therefore different actions will be applied to the packets passing through.
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Re: Multi-public IP to NAT forwarding

Thu Jun 28, 2012 8:58 pm

Thanks janisk.

I've got one more problem now, and its in production, so hopefully I can get a quick reply from you guys... I'd happily pay for it of course.

So the current problem is that users inside cannot access the mail server by going because it's an outside address I guess. They can get to (the mail server) but not by or external IP ( eg.)

Any ideas?
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Re: Multi-public IP to NAT forwarding

Thu Jun 28, 2012 9:10 pm

Look at hairpin nat

How about 1000USD? :)))))
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Re: Multi-public IP to NAT forwarding

Tue Feb 02, 2016 3:25 am


Im trying to accomplish the same thing on my MT 750g router but i dont know where my public IP should be assigned. By the way my Network config:
IP Address from ISP:
Interface: pppoe-out1

I got from ISP subnet: 6 usable IPs.

- Do i assign the public IPs to pppoe-out1 inerface or to eth1?


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