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Mikrotik hotspot jams my inter-lan connctivity

Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:00 pm

Hi there

I'd like to post an issue that- i think -.. a lot of mikrotik users experience

i have an RB1200 used as a hotspot gateway in a large lan

DhCP IP addresses

when mikrotik is on

It's to hard to communicate between a pc and another (or a ubnt device with an ip on the same range) on the same lan (http or sharing) even when the addresses are (for example) (

sometimes the connection works , some times it freezes
the same with pinging .

when mikrotik is off

I'm able to communicate with all pcs and devices on the lan with no single disconnection (untill devices loose their DHCP lease)

i tried to use the filter rule that allows all connections through the local interface to be passed ... no news

how can i get my inter-network connectivity stable in the presence of mikrotik hotspot+DHCP

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Re: Mikrotik hotspot jams my inter-lan connctivity

Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:31 pm

A network diagram would help and it would help to know what traffic levels you are seeing on the RB1200 interfaces when it is on.
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Re: Mikrotik hotspot jams my inter-lan connctivity

Thu Jun 14, 2012 12:36 am

seems like you set 'address-pool' for Hotspot - set it to 'none'

with ip pool set, Hotspot uses ARP poisoning technique to serve clients with wrong network settings
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Re: Mikrotik hotspot jams my inter-lan connctivity

Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:41 pm

Thanks .. helped a little although i still got some inaccessible devices ..
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Re: Mikrotik hotspot jams my inter-lan connctivity

Wed Jun 20, 2012 11:07 pm

How about something like this:
/ip hotspot walled-garden ip
add action=accept disabled=no dst-address= server='your-hotspot-server-HERE' src-address=
Or if you want this to apply to all of your hotspot servers (incase your running more than one).
/ip hotspot walled-garden ip
add action=accept disabled=no dst-address=  src-address=
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Re: Mikrotik hotspot jams my inter-lan connctivity

Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:46 pm

Maybe if you separate the hotspot on another interface using VLAN, it should stop messing with your other devices. But I can be wrong about this!!!