Things have been runnig great till this morning and now we're timeing out with ping in a bad way. The signal is -59 and it never loses connection. The network is routed not bridged or running WDS.
(finrouter MT2.8.28 with cm9 cards)
Any ideas!
LoL, no, i mean to type "viri" but of course the most proper is "viruses" that's something that has stuck with me since my asm coding days. Back then we also shortened it to "vx". Don't really know the current terminology.the plural virii is that of the nonexistent word virius
incorrect again. the most probable plural ir "vira". "virus" is a neuter gender, but -i plural is used for masculine nouns. "viri" is a singular genetive of "virus"LoL, no, i mean to type "viri"