Hello, there!
Unfortunately, it has been started.
Mean spoofing, when I use unlicensed freqs, as we all use - 5GHz.
I have a lot of base stations, antennas, built on Mikrotik boards. It works great, until new wireless company goes 'on my terrain'.
There is a bad guy, which sets up wireless card same, as mine.
He scans air, scan result is mac, frequency and ssid (even if ssid is hidden).
He sets up same mac, freq, ssid - applying this settings by him, causes lots of station disconnects from my base station.
When bad guy is spoofing my base station, it causes reconnecting stations, and disconnect clients from network access.
I have red a lot of articles with 'hide-ssid' topic, etc. IMO there is no solution of the problem, because of physical connection (station sees two bases with exactly same settings).
Hidding ssid do not cause disappearing ssid from the air, causes only disappearing ssid from bacon.
Is it possible e.g. encrypt beacon? My idea is to mix into the bacon any unique ID, to make wireless settings unable to spoof. But there is a problem with encryption of beacon frames, is it possible?
Please help, may be there is a tip, which solve problem.
Best regards