I am not getting a connection to an APC Smart-UPS using ros2.9.11
I have disabled the console, and set the serial0 to 2400 8 n 1 xon/xoff
I have tried 2 official APC cables, & made a cable to the spec here http://www.mikrotik.com/docs/ros/2.9/system/ups , the cable pinout is different from a 940-0024c the official APC cable, but does work.
If you need to test a cable, set a terminal emulator to 2400 8 n 1 xon/xoff Connect to UPS
press <shift>Y and you should see SM
press <shift>A and the UPS will beep and leds light
The 532 will not boot with cable attached.
If you set the port back to console the UPS attempts a login with the current voltage!! so the data is being sent to the RB532.
In the port list the 'Used By' field shows UPS intermittently (there for around 7 seconds then goes away for 7 or so)
ups1 is marked as invalid