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set wlan3 frequency same as scanned frequency

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:00 pm
by smilem

It's frustrating to have to repeatedly do the same over and over again. so perhaps it can be autoamated.
I to repeatedly log in to out mikrotik boxes and change the wlan interface frequency.

Can anyone help me with a simple script to perform a scan on wlan3 card and set it's frequency to be the same as predefined MAC address from the scan list? This way I can set the frequency on the "master" mikrotik box and other would just set to the same freq. Thanks.

Here is the code to perform the scan
interface wireless scan wlan3
but i have no ide how to do the rest

Re: set wlan3 frequency same as scanned frequency

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:08 pm
by n21roadie

It's frustrating to have to repeatedly do the same over and over again. so perhaps it can be autoamated.
I to repeatedly log in to out mikrotik boxes and change the wlan interface frequency.

Can anyone help me with a simple script to perform a scan on wlan3 card and set it's frequency to be the same as predefined MAC address from the scan list? This way I can set the frequency on the "master" mikrotik box and other would just set to the same freq. Thanks.
Wlan3? Are you using 3 radio cards on to one routerboard?

Re: set wlan3 frequency same as scanned frequency

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:21 pm
by smilem
Are you using 3 radio cards on to one routerboard?
Yes we use 3 R52nM they are low power 1.92W not 7W like R52Hn but they are not all enabled simultaneously.
found something simmilar here
perhaps someone can take a look at it.

Re: set wlan3 frequency same as scanned frequency

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:25 pm
by n21roadie
Are you using 3 radio cards on to one routerboard?
Yes we use 3 R52nM they are low power 1.92W not 7W like R52Hn but they are not all enabled simultaneously.
Could this interference you mention be caused by having the 3 cards onto one routerboard and moving frequency is having a domino effect on the radio cards.

Re: set wlan3 frequency same as scanned frequency

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:26 pm
by smilem
I don't think so as we only use 1 card, the others are as backups.

Re: set wlan3 frequency same as scanned frequency

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:45 pm
by n21roadie
found something simmilar here viewtopic.php?f=9&t=31644
perhaps someone can take a look at it.
That topic refers to "Ducting Effect" where a PTP link over the sea causes large signal variations, can you expand on why you have to scan frequencies frequently.

Re: set wlan3 frequency same as scanned frequency

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2012 8:03 pm
by smilem
We use dfs mode but some the different mikrotiks set themselves to different frequency for some reason.
So I decided to use one box as master and so set others the same by using a script.

Re: set wlan3 frequency same as scanned frequency

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2012 12:56 am
by smilem
So can anyone help me with actual script?

Here is my pseudocode for the script:
# set the MAC to look for
static "staticmac_var" to search for 74:EA:3A:A6:5B:F6

# perform search
Scan frequencies using wlan3 interface

# store found variables
Find the mac 74:EA:3A:A6:5B:F6 and store the frequency as variable "frequency_var"

# set interface wlan3 stored frequency from variable "frequency_var"
Set interface wlan3 frequency to "frequency_var"

Re: set wlan3 frequency same as scanned frequency

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:53 am
by smilem
Found some code to look for mac address but it finds nothing for me. ... clnk&gl=lt

Re: set wlan3 frequency same as scanned frequency

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:16 pm
by smilem
So can anyone knowledgeable help me with the script, I though i will be easier but it's harder to write than I thought.

Re: set wlan3 frequency same as scanned frequency

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 10:57 am
by smilem
Still need help :(

Re: set wlan3 frequency same as scanned frequency

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 2:09 pm
by bbj
you only have to associate a routeros client to an ap once. so long as the ssid remains unchanged, the client will always follow the ap on the freq, that way you only need to update the ap side of the link( and all the clients will follow