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Help on MPLS and PPOE Configuration

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 3:25 am
by Nanflexal

I don't have experience in deploying MPLS and PPOE so i need your help about how to inter-connect does site using MPLS. I need help about configuration in RB450G to establish MPLS.

Site A Configuration
/system identity set name=Site A

# add loopback interface
/interface bridge
add name=loopback
/ip address
add address= interface=loopback
add address= interface=ether1

#set up ospf
/routing ospf instance
set default redistribute-connected=as-type-1
/routing ospf network
add network= area=backbone

# set up MPLS/LDP
/mpls interface set 0 mpls-mtu=1512
/mpls ldp
set enabled=yes lsr-id= transport-address=
/mpls ldp interface
add interface=ether1

Site B Configuration
/system identity set name=Site B

# add loopback interface
/interface bridge
add name=loopback
/ip address
add address= interface=loopback
add address= interface=ether1

#set up ospf
/routing ospf instance
set default redistribute-connected=as-type-1
/routing ospf network
add network= area=backbone

# set up MPLS/LDP
/mpls interface set 0 mpls-mtu=1512
/mpls ldp
set enabled=yes lsr-id= transport-address=
/mpls ldp interface
add interface=ether1


Site C
/system identity set name=Site C

# add loopback interface
/interface bridge
add name=loopback
/ip address
add address= interface=loopback
add address= interface=ether1

# set up pppoe
/interface pppoe-server server
add interface=ether2 service-name=mpls max-mru=1500 max-mtu=1500

/ppp secret
add name=mplsR3 service=pppoe remote-address= local-address=
add name=mplsR4 service=pppoe remote-address= local-address=
add name=mplsR4 service=pppoe remote-address= local-address=

/interface pppoe-server
add name="mpls-Site-D" user="mpls-Site-D" service="mpls"
add name="mpls-Site-E" user="mpls-Site-E" service="mpls"
add name="mpls-Site-F" user="mpls-Site-F" service="mpls"

#set up ospf
/routing ospf instance
set default redistribute-connected=as-type-1
/routing ospf network
add network= area=backbone
add network= area=backbone
add network= area=backbone
add network= area=backbone

# set up MPLS/LDP
/mpls interface set 0 mpls-mtu=1512
/mpls ldp
set enabled=yes lsr-id= transport-address=
/mpls ldp interface
add interface=ether1
add interface=mpls-Site-D
add interface=mpls-Site-E
add interface=mpls-Site-F

Site G

Site H

I should be able to hand out public IP and Class C IP in Site D,E and F via Site C.

I'm not sure about this config so please check guys.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Help on MPLS and PPOE Configuration

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:34 am
by adairw
I'm probably missing something here, but why do you need mpls and pppoe?
Unless you're going to run vpls or true end to end mpls I don't think you need any of it for pppoe.

Re: Help on MPLS and PPOE Configuration

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:42 am
by Nanflexal
I'm probably missing something here, but why do you need mpls and pppoe?
Unless you're going to run vpls or true end to end mpls I don't think you need any of it for pppoe.
I'm just trying to make my network better, be it VPLS or MPLS and you're right, ppoe does not need MPLS.

if you have true end to end MPLS, can i see your diagram.

I have never done VPLS or MPLS deployment so please bear with me and i have limited knowledge at the moment.


Re: Help on MPLS and PPOE Configuration

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:15 pm
by adairw
I use mpls with vpls strictly to transport things around my network. I think of it like a routeable vlan that I bridge with physical interfaces or vlans. This way my customers don't see my network, just my edge router and that's it.
Your mpls config looked correct just quickly looking at it.

Re: Help on MPLS and PPOE Configuration

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 4:45 pm
by pospanko
But I think you should consider replacing RB450(G) with something else (RB2011 or something like that) because of RB450's MTU od 1520. You need at least 1526 fall trought your network for PPPoE over VPLS.