ok so you will see the difference as you go along, but for the problem that you have its because you running different packages,
so when you download the "full package" the single package then it will be better, once everything is standard it will go easier, you dont need all the different packages anymore.
so what you need to know is.
1 there are 4 main type of systems available
and each has 2 types of packages available
1) the combined package
2) the individual packages.
I use all the combined packages. aka the 1 npk file. works like a charm for me, and is easy to upgrade, only use the "single packages if you going to use something really out of the ordinary, like the "lcd" or something like that.
if that makes sense.
you can get the all standard manually over time as well, i always have an 85% upgrade on all my devices when i roll out, then i just fix up the ones that are left behind.
its a repeat of
make coffee:
but it is a lot faster than doing it manual.
I have also played with the auto update function and that works ok. i just have to write a script for it so that it automatically checks and updates over time, but that can of tine cause untimely updates in a network.
Let me know if you came right, and if this helps, Don't for get the karma