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FTP session to an Android device

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:34 am
by sq3htu

Since few days I'm trying to connect to my Android phone via FTP. A RB133 is working as my wireless router. On the phone is Solid Explorer installed which has option to turn any Android device into a small FTP server. Default port for this app is 9999 but that's all.
No connection is established form my laptop using Total Commander, nothing happens. Making the same operation on a non-mikrotik router (one of the TP-Link routers) connection is flawless, out of the box, without any additional configuration.
I tried turn on/off many things on my MikroTik but without any luck, right now I'm on dead end :wink:

Any suggestions / solutions are very welcome.

Re: FTP session to an Android device

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:05 pm
by CyberT
have you tried the built in /tool fetch command to see if you have any luck, i for no reason see why you cant access it, unless you have done something interesting in your wifi like disabling def-forwarding, or not have your ether and wlan in a bridge if you connecting from lan->phone.

Have you tried other services that the phone offers, aka can you ping it from the tik but not the laptop?

Re: FTP session to an Android device

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:22 pm
by sq3htu
No, I didn't try "fetch" command. I tried turn on / off default-forwarding, conntrack. No results after adding any firewall forward rules for 9999 port. I don't remember if I can ping my phone direct from MikroTik but I'll check that. Using the same application I can browse shared content on my laptop but more convienent is to operate on my phone SD card from laptop.
ETHER and WLAN ports are bridged but the connection bewteen laptop and phone is WLAN only.

Re: FTP session to an Android device

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:38 pm
by CyberT
def forward has to be on for 2 devices on the same wlan to talk to each other.

further than that i would start playing with the "/sys telnet <phone> 9999" command and so forth to check if the tik can access the ftp, its a very strange issue, to me it sounds like a firewall.

Re: FTP session to an Android device

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:51 pm
by sq3htu
Default-Forwarding option is turned on which affects all devices connected to this WLAN interface. Additionaly, I've configured access-list where each entry has forwarding enabled. At the moment I have no active firewall rules.
I'll check if I can get any connection straight from MikroTik so I can exclude issues.