Just bought our first Mikrotik 2011LS and I'm struggling to get bandwidth management working. I suspect I don't understand something fundamental.
I have the internet plugged in ETH1 and a PC plugged in ETH5 and I'm wanting to use the Mikrotik as a transparent bandwidth limiter for ETH5/4/3/2 to allocate different speeds. As per attached screen shot I set up a bridge to for all ports from 1-5 and then wanted to limit the bandwidth.
First issue is that the 2M limit I've set on the connection for ETH5 doesn't seem to work. The one I set on ETH1 does though. Second issue is that the bridge I set up on port 1 through 5 doesn't show anything like the traffic that the interfaces are showing. The interface show a full 5M however the bridge shows 90K (see screenshot).
I've looked through the docs and all this looks like it should work ?
I've removed all routing / firewall / everything else I can think of that might interfere.
Any ideas anyone ? Thank-you.