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Proxy on Mikrotik version 2.9.11

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 6:53 am
by beejan

Previously, my mikrotik was running on v2.9.6. I enable web-proxy on it. However, i encountered some problems when using the web-proxy. It seems that my web-proxy was not fully functionally.

i tried to upgrade my mikrotik to v2.9.11 then i installed the web-proxy test on my mikrotik. When i upgrade to v2.9.11, i see that ip web-proxy is no more available. it is changed to ip proxy.

so my question is: is ip proxy on mikrotik 2.9.11 is the same as ip web-proxy on mikrotik 2.9.6? in the manual, ip web-proxy performs internet object cache function whereas ip proxy perfoms proxying of HTTP and HTTP-proxy requests; it does no support caching transactions.

so how can i enable web-proxy on 2.9.11? i want to increase speed of web-browsing for my clients. and how can i use the web-proxy test package using 2.9.11?


Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 9:33 am
by beejan
i tried enabling ip proxy on mikrotik v2.9.11 just now...this is how it looks like:
                    enabled: yes
                      ports: 8080
  maximal-client-connecions: 1000
  maximal-server-connectons: 1000
        cache-administrator: "webmaster"
            max-object-size: 87885KiB
        max-disk-cache-size: 70866000KiB
         max-ram-cache-size: 175770KiB
              disk-database: yes
then i add this:
 chain=dstnat protocol=tcp dst-port=80 action=redirect to-ports=8080 
but then when i tried to browse the becomes so slow. why it becomes slower?

web proxy

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 7:28 pm
by hmekolli
I have 2.9.11 MT and web proxy work very well. But ip proxy not

ip web-proxy> pr
enabled: yes
port: 8080
hostname: "mendi"
transparent-proxy: yes
cache-administrator: "webmaster"
max-object-size: 128000KiB
cache-drive: system
max-cache-size: 1800000KiB
max-ram-cache-size: unlimited
status: running
reserved-for-cache: 1799168KiB
reserved-for-ram-cache: 8192KiB

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 8:35 pm
by FOV
In licence Level 5 ip web-proxy doesn´t appere as option.

May we enable this option via web-proxy test package?

proxy RouterOS 2.9.11

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 2:19 am
by viceft
I have the same problem...

web is very slow if the proxy is turn on

I will try in web-proxy...

web proxy

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 2:32 pm
by hmekolli
status: running
uptime: 14h44m51s
clients: 38
requests: 69478
hits: 21985
cache-size: 1618264KiB
ram-storage-size: 8136KiB
received-from-servers: 315675KiB
sent-to-clients: 425559KiB
hits-sent-to-clients: 113652KiB

Proxy RouterOS 2.9.11

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:41 am
by viceft
The status it's ok, but in my router dont work.

This router was work nice in 2.8.5

I upgrade the router to 2.9.11 and proxy don't work.

I will try to reset the router and setting from zero.

web proxy 2.9.11

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2006 8:40 pm
by viceft
I found the "problem"

dst. limit rate 0/sec
burst 5
limit by:dst. address

some rules in firewall was imported with this setting from 2.8.9 to 2.9.11