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Multiple dhcp ip's on single WAN interface

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:43 pm
by taduikis

I wonder if it's possible to somehow get more than one dhcp lease thru a single interface? I'm aware that I need to have different mac addrs, but is there a way of doing it with ROS?

This is needed to do NAT to separate public IPs for two different customers.

Re: Multiple dhcp ip's on single WAN interface

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 4:20 pm
by burkni
It is possible if you use VLAN's on the external interface but they'd need to be tagged. Can't see another way but I might be wrong.

Re: Multiple dhcp ip's on single WAN interface

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 9:04 pm
by taduikis
Ok, I found an ugly way to get multiple wan ip's with 751G out of single WAN wire. I now have two different public ip's on ether3 and ether4 and would like to NAT them thru different wireless SSID's. But it seems it's not going to be possible because they're on the same subnet and share the same gateway.. :(