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Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2012 7:30 pm

Dude filled internal storage?

Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:44 am

Hello yesterday i had installed dude 4.0b3 on a rb493G this RB has a USB HDD attached so i set up dude there and removed the internal storage for it and also for the now i have:

/file print 
 # NAME                                   TYPE                                                         SIZE CREATION-TIME       
 0 usb1/lost+found                        directory                                                         aug/29/2012 17:45:48
 1 usb1/web-proxy1                        web-proxy store                                                   aug/29/2012 17:47:46
 2 usb1/dude2                             dude store                                                        sep/03/2012 15:21:14
 3 skins                                  directory                                                         dec/31/1969 21:01:14
 4 MikroTik-03092012-1124.backup          backup                                                     96 311 sep/03/2012 11:24:21
 5 routes-040912.bak.rsc                  script                                                        595 sep/04/2012 10:10:50
 6 queues-040912.bak.rsc                  script                                                      2 831 sep/04/2012 10:11:31
 7 usb1                                   disk                                                              sep/04/2012 19:23:21
 8 Firewall-reglas-040912.bak.rsc         script                                                     10 586 sep/04/2012 10:10:15
 9 IP-ipsec-040912.bak.rsc                script                                                      1 620 sep/04/2012 10:10:34
10 BackupCMD-40912.rsc                    script                                                     36 977 sep/04/2012 10:07:01
/store print      
Flags: X - disabled, A - active 
 #   NAME                                  TYPE                                  DISK                                  STATUS   
 0 A Proxy-HDD                             web-proxy                             usb1                                  active   
 1   DudeSTOR                              dude                                  usb1                                  backup   
* dude was DISABLED to test if disk usage would reduce
/store disk print 
Flags: S - system 
 #   NAME                                                                                   TOTAL-SPACE    FREE-SPACE STATUS    
 0 S system                                                                                    61440KiB       4864KiB ready     
 1   usb1                                                                                   57685564KiB   54199172KiB ready     

As you can see my usage for the internal storage is >90% is this expected? because i do not see any files using that space, also checked with sftp and there are no disk logging enabled.