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Wireless Probe

Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:49 pm

Is it possible to setup a wireless probe to send an alert if the wireless signal drops below a set threshold?

Forum Guru
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Re: Wireless Probe

Tue Sep 11, 2012 12:28 am

Yes, These probes for bridges one for Solectek and one for Cisco both complain if the signal is below negative 70.
Name: w_rssi_s
Code: if(oid_column("", 10 ,5),oid_column("", 10 ,5),"False")

name: rssi_soletek
available: w_rssi_s()<>"False"
error: if(w_rssi_s()<>"False", if(w_rssi_s() > -70,"", concatenate("Bridge Trouble = ", w_rssi_s())) , "Can not read status of Soletek bridge")
value: w_rssi_s()
unit: dbm

Cisco 1410
Name: Wireless_RSSI_a
Code: if(array_size(oid_column("", 10 ,5)), oid_column("", 10, 5) ,"False")

name: rssi1410
available: Wireless_RSSI_a()<>"False"
error: if(Wireless_RSSI_a()<>"False", if(Wireless_RSSI_a() > -70,"", concatenate("Bridge Trouble = ", Wireless_RSSI_a())) , "Can not read status of 1410 bridge")
value: Wireless_RSSI_a()
unit: dbm

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Re: Wireless Probe

Tue Sep 11, 2012 11:56 pm

Hi Lebowski,

Thanks for the reply.

I'm just learning to setup the dude and have configured some basic alerts to get email notifications if an AP goes offline.

The info you posted, does it probe the wireless on Mikrotik AP's as it mentions Cisco & Solectek?

Forum Guru
Forum Guru
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Re: Wireless Probe

Wed Sep 12, 2012 9:51 pm

Right so you will want to find the OID for MikroTik and replace the string in the function...

So the function does all the work; First the if in the function determines if the oid exists, if it does then it returns the value in the 2nd oid. Otherwise it returns false if the 1st oid does not exist. This allows the probe to determine if the values are in a range or completely unreadable on the error line and helps determine if the probe should be automatically installed on a device based on the available line when using auto discover. I believe is the correct OID for MikroTik so your function could be
Name: w_rssi_MT
Code: if(oid_column("", 10 ,5),oid("", 10 ,5),"False")

Then your probe would be
name: rssi1410
available: w_rssi_MT()<>"False"
error: if(w_rssi_MT()<>"False", if(w_rssi_MT() > -70,"", concatenate("Bridge Trouble = ", w_rssi_MT())) , "Can not read status of MikroTik bridge")
value: w_rssi_MT()
unit: dbm

If that is not the correct oid for rssi you can test oids by placing them on a device label. Use the device label first to make sure the numbers that display are accurate then build a probe based on your device label. You can do math on a device label as well.
RSSI: [oid("")]
RSSI: [oid("")*10]
RSSI: [oid("")/10]
RSSI: [oid("")+10]
RSSI: [oid("")-10]

When you get some time read some of the probe thread but also look closely at this probe since it is the model of a well designed probe and all your probes in my opinion should be based on this design where a function determines if the value is available or not and the error line of the probe lets you know if the device is down or if the value is not in the correct range. The early stuff in the probe thread is not as sophisticated as the later stuff so you might want to just look to see what has been done...
