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How to turn on "flow control"

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 6:45 pm
by littlecake
Please its possible somehow to turn on flow control on the mikrotik device?

I have lot of troubles with high capacity wireless links.

Recommnedation of producer was turn on "Flow control".
After I changed the mikrotik to switch with flow control function , the problem was gone.

Re: How to turn on "flow control"

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 10:41 am
by NetworkPro
Oh no please do not turn on Flow Control.

Please turn it OFF everywhere.

Are they joking with this stuff?

How did the problem affect loss and latency and capacity?

What are these parameters now that you supposedly have Flow Control?

Re: How to turn on "flow control"

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 2:55 pm
by littlecake
Probably you do not understand what it means .

When do you have wireless bridge which have capacity 170 Mbit FD connected over 1Gbit ethernet , you have problem.

I will the capacity of the bridge reach maximum , the bridge start sending pause packet to the device before.

If the device before (mikrotik) do not have enable this function , the buffer on the wireless bridge become full and starts dropping these packets.

If the device have enabled this function , it will buffer these packets and sent it littlebit later.

On this time we raplaced few mikrotik devices with switch HP1918 and the network starts to be about two times faster then before.

Its easy to test the condition your links , just measure with btest 20 Mbit UDP stream , and when you see some lost packets its bad...

Tha packetloss make lower congestion window and the TCP protocol starts to be much slower than UDP.

Re: How to turn on "flow control"

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 3:25 pm
by NetworkPro
Yes nice nice.

Read here ... of_Service

and I hope you achieve higher quality there.

Ask if you have any question.