I am in the process of rolling out a WISP & will be using Mikrotik as the PPPoE server & the Hotspot server & the general router for the entire public network. I am looking to provide both services through the same set of APs all connecting back to the Mikrotik router. Are there any security considerations when putting PPPoE & hotspot on the same interface? Is it better to install 2 NIC's & seperate the services out to 2 different interfaces? Does it even make a difference if they're both connected to the same network switch? Or would having 2 different interfaces connected to the same network switch be problematic in itself?
Additionally, I would like to route the end user traffic through 2 different interfaces, depending on the service the client purchased. I am offering a Content Filtering service, & the only way I've found to implement it is if I route it through a separate subnet & interface on my firewall. So basically, if the user does not want filtering they get routed through interface A on the Mikrotik & if they do want it, they get routed through interface B. Both sets of users would be connecting through interface C on the Mikrotik (the interface that the PPPoE server & Hotspot is on). I plan on using my radius server(TCC Radius) for both authentication & accounting. What's the best way to implement this?