I'm currently working up a point to point vpn with Ipsec with Mikrotik RB750G routers.
Site 1
Internal -> External ->
Site 2
Internal -> External ->
I utilized these 2 resources for the build following the Site to Site IpSec Tunnel examples.
http://gregsowell.com/wp-content/upload ... k-vpn1.pdf
I have IPSec configured based on the configuration below and if I have traffic flowing between both sites the tunnel comes up and traffic flows well. However my traffic will mostly be coming from Site 2 to Site 1. So I won't have user traffic flowing in both directions and there is where I'm having the issue. If only 1 side of the site to site is generating the traffic I have the following errors:
phase 1 negotiation failed due to time up
phase 2 negotiation failed due time up waiting for phase 1
Is this by design? Are there anyway's around this if so? Or am I missing something in my configuration that would allow 1 site to generate the traffic and bring the tunnel up?
Here is my config.
Site 1
[admin@MikroTik] /ip ipsec peer> print
Flags: X - disabled
0 address= port=500 auth-method=pre-shared-key
secret="********" generate-policy=no exchange-mode=main
send-initial-contact=yes nat-traversal=no my-id-user-fqdn=""
proposal-check=obey hash-algorithm=md5 enc-algorithm=3des
dh-group=modp1024 lifetime=1d lifebytes=0 dpd-interval=2m
[admin@MikroTik] /ip ipsec policy> print
Flags: X - disabled, D - dynamic, I - inactive
0 src-address= src-port=any dst-address=
dst-port=any protocol=all action=encrypt level=require
ipsec-protocols=esp tunnel=yes sa-src-address=
sa-dst-address= proposal=default priority=0
[admin@MikroTik] /ip ipsec proposal> print
Flags: X - disabled, * - default
0 * name="default" auth-algorithms=sha1 enc-algorithms=3des lifetime=30m
ip firewall nat
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic
0 chain=srcnat action=accept src-address=
1 ;;; default configuration
chain=srcnat action=masquerade out-interface=ether1-gateway
Site 2
ip ipsec peer> print
Flags: X - disabled 0 address= port=500 auth-method=pre-shared-key secret="********" generate-policy=no exchange-mode=main send-initial-contact=yes nat-traversal=no my-id-user-fqdn="" proposal-check=obey hash-algorithm=md5 enc-algorithm=3des dh-group=modp1024 lifetime=1d lifebytes=0 dpd-interval=2m dpd-maximum-failures=5
[admin@MikroTik] /ip ipsec policy> print Flags: X - disabled, D - dynamic, I - inactive 0 src-address= src-port=any dst-address= dst-port=any protocol=all action=encrypt level=require ipsec-protocols=esp tunnel=yes sa-src-address= sa-dst-address= proposal=default priority=0
[admin@MikroTik] /ip ipsec proposal> print Flags: X - disabled, * - default 0 * name="default" auth-algorithms=sha1 enc-algorithms=3des lifetime=30m pfs-group=modp1024
[admin@MikroTik] /ip firewall nat> prin Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic 0 chain=srcnat action=accept src-address= dst-address=
1 ;;; default configuration chain=srcnat action=masquerade out-interface=ether1-gateway