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3 RB1200 bricked!!!!!

Tue Oct 30, 2012 4:02 pm

I hope someone from mikrotik read this post quick, I purchased 3 rb1200. I opened the box, went into CLI terminal, input /system routerboard print to see if the current and the upgrade firmware was the same. It was not the same in all the routers, they were shipped that way. I hit /system routerboard upgrade and then it says to reboot in order to get the changes done. /system routerboard reboot...... never came back up.....
Whats going on???? a bug??? I am 3000 miles from the place I purchased the routerboard, is there a way to recover it via console cable??

:evil: :evil: :evil:
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Re: 3 RB1200 bricked!!!!!

Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:27 pm

And this is a community forum, so you won't always get a response from someone that works from MikroTik. The official support channel is via e-mail with
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Re: 3 RB1200 bricked!!!!!

Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:37 pm

also try to use the Backup(primary) bootloader to get the board to boot maybe. Here are the instructions.
"you can load the Primary boot loader by holding the Software Reset 1 button (S401), connecting the power, and then releasing the button/jumper."
More detailed info in theusers manual for RB1200:
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Re: 3 RB1200 bricked!!!!!

Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:58 pm

also tell us from which Bootloader version you upgraded and to which version?
Also what RouteOS version you have on those RB1200?
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Re: 3 RB1200 bricked!!!!!

Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:03 am

I usually freak out when i have to upgrade a routerboard then system reboot. I procrastinate until i find i have to upgrade cause of security.

I have lost my 1st Routerboard ever purchased RB1000. Then also bricked a couple of RB1200s due to upgrades.

Finally after weeks of reading the WIKI page - I understood what netinstall is.I managed to learn how to use net install. It took me 2 weeks to get a DB9 console cable in Africa.

Also had to watch a couple of Youtube videos e.g.

I wonder why its happening but i am still very Loyal to Mikrotik.

Just one request a. Put up youtube videos. It will help.

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Re: 3 RB1200 bricked!!!!!

Wed Oct 31, 2012 3:19 pm

Thank you for your help capital!, I will try this and let you know how it went
I usually freak out when i have to upgrade a routerboard then system reboot. I procrastinate until i find i have to upgrade cause of security.

I have lost my 1st Routerboard ever purchased RB1000. Then also bricked a couple of RB1200s due to upgrades.

Finally after weeks of reading the WIKI page - I understood what netinstall is.I managed to learn how to use net install. It took me 2 weeks to get a DB9 console cable in Africa.

Also had to watch a couple of Youtube videos e.g.

I wonder why its happening but i am still very Loyal to Mikrotik.

Just one request a. Put up youtube videos. It will help.

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Re: 3 RB1200 bricked!!!!!

Wed Oct 31, 2012 4:52 pm

I am able to get into the routerboot through serial cable. It reads version 2.38.

Then I hit o - boot device option in order to boot it through an ethernet port and then hit x in order to boot.

Then it just stays there and throws a character and never responds again

where could I get the firmware in order to upgrade via hyperterminal / serial port and see if this helps
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Re: 3 RB1200 bricked!!!!!

Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:44 pm

where could I get the firmware in order to upgrade via hyperterminal / serial port and see if this helps

You will see RouterBoot with link to download .fwf file, but I see it is same version as you have 2.38.
You can download it and try to reload it by selecting upgrade firmware in hyperterm.
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Re: 3 RB1200 bricked!!!!!

Thu Nov 01, 2012 4:21 pm

Hi, I downloaded the firmware and I was able to upload it via hyperterminal. That is done and working. The problem now lies with netinstall. I am able to do a netinstall to other routers but with the 1200 that I am trying to unbrick it tells me that ehternet link is not present.
I am getting the impression that I will have to fly these bricks back to Miami... very frustrating to say the least
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Re: 3 RB1200 bricked!!!!!

Thu Nov 01, 2012 4:27 pm

Netinstall only works on port 12, are you connected directly to that?
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Re: 3 RB1200 bricked!!!!!

Fri Nov 02, 2012 7:24 pm

Once i had to recover a RB1100 and i didn't have a pc with serial.
I had a serial cable, and those USB to serial ports didn't work for some reason.

Then i used another routerboard and used the serial from one routerboard to another to change the boot option.
Then used netinstall.

It worked, but i had to first release the serial port to make the connection.
The information i got in mikrotik wiki.

It would be nice if the routerboard had another button (like the reset one) when you "power on" pressing the button it would boot to use netinstall.
Better than dealing with serial cables. For professionals it maybe wont be a problem, but others may like this suggestion.
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Re: 3 RB1200 bricked!!!!!

Mon Nov 05, 2012 8:58 pm

Hello, finally I was able to recover the RB but I have to say that there may be a problem with that bactch of router boards. I purchased 3 and had to return 2 while I was in Miami because they stopped working after the upgrade. Then I tried to upgrade two and both got broken. I find this very strange. I could send Mikrotik the serial number if its any use to them.
I will be thinking it twice from now on before I upgrade a router board's OS, I think something is wrong there with the batch maybe. I have upgraded hundreds of RB's and never had an issue like this, and now 4 of them broke? odd....
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Re: 3 RB1200 bricked!!!!!

Tue Apr 09, 2013 5:25 pm

Then I hit o - boot device option in order to boot it through an ethernet port and then hit x in order to boot.
Then it just stays there and throws a character and never responds again
where could I get the firmware in order to upgrade via hyperterminal / serial port and see if this helps
This sounds a lot like the problem I mentioned here. In my case, the RB1200 would either lock up before the boot loader printed anything to the display (about 1/3 of the time), or everything would work fine. Using the reset button to force the default boot-loader didn't help (it too would lock up 1/3 of the time before printing anything), and it didn't seem to matter how long the board had been powered on or off prior, or whether it was power-cycled or given a reboot command. Multiple upgrades/downgrades of ROS and boot loader did not help.