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[ASK] Script for Limiting bandwidth in Queue Tree

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:54 am
by zernz
I'm using queue tree...

I want to automate limit bandwidth for download based on size...

in this case, I set every user max limit to 2M..
if a user have downloaded 10MB, the max limit will set to 128k for 1 hour...
after 1 hour, the max limit of that user will set back to 2M...

any idea?

if someone needs my configs, I'll post them...

Re: [ASK] Script for Limiting bandwidth in Queue Tree

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:29 pm
by jandafields
I'm using queue tree...

I want to automate limit bandwidth for download based on size...

in this case, I set every user max limit to 2M..
if a user have downloaded 10MB, the max limit will set to 128k for 1 hour...
after 1 hour, the max limit of that user will set back to 2M...

any idea?

if someone needs my configs, I'll post them...
That doesn't make sense. 10MB over how much time?

Let's say that over the course of 3 months, I download a total of 10MB. So, then you are going to limit my bandwidth to 128k for 1 hour because I downloaded 10MB in 3 months???

You either need to rethink this, or add some better details.

Re: [ASK] Script for Limiting bandwidth in Queue Tree

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:50 am
by zernz

That doesn't make sense. 10MB over how much time?

Let's say that over the course of 3 months, I download a total of 10MB. So, then you are going to limit my bandwidth to 128k for 1 hour because I downloaded 10MB in 3 months???

You either need to rethink this, or add some better details.
no.. no...
ok, my bad.. :(
and I dont think in this case 10MB will never be completed in 3 months... I give every user 2M max limit...

say that someone wants to download 100MB, he limits the download (say he uses IDM) to 50Kb... I dont know how long the download will be completed...
for every 100MB downloaded, his bandwidht will be limited to 128k in 1 hours...
because in my case, some users limit their download in case the admin wont see the red sign in queue tree... if they limit their download, the sign still in green...

Re: [ASK] Script for Limiting bandwidth in Queue Tree

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:12 am
by jandafields
This should get you pointed in the right direction: ... load_Sizes

Re: [ASK] Script for Limiting bandwidth in Queue Tree

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:51 am
by zernz
yups, I've seen it...

but it seems to block, in this case I want to limit the bandwidth.. :(

Re: [ASK] Script for Limiting bandwidth in Queue Tree

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 7:17 am
by zernz
bump... :-?