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Usermanager 5 Script to change rate limits based on usage

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:15 pm
by Cobusbu
Hi all

I had a script running in Usermanager 4 that could change the rate limits if a user used more than a 40 Gigs amount of data in a month.

I have in the mean while upgraded my usermanager router to routeros v5.21

This script does not work in usermanager 5.21 any more

I have tried making corrections to the syntax but it doesn't work

:local user
:local surname
:local bytesin
:local bytesout
:local bytestotal
:local megstotal
:local profilename

/tool user-manager user
:foreach i in=[find customer="admin"] do={

:set user [get $i first-name]
:set surname [get $i last-name]
:set bytesin [get $i download-used]
:set bytesout [get $i upload-used]
:set bytestotal ($bytesin + $bytesout)
:set megstotal ($bytestotal / 1000000)
:set profilename [get $i actual-profile]

:if (($megstotal > 40000) && ($profilename= "1.5 M Uncapped")) do={
/tool user-manager profile limitation set [find name="$user"] Rate-limit="192k/192k 192k/288k 96k/144k 60/60 0 "
:log info "User Rate Limit set to 192k/192k 192k/288k 96k/144k 60/60 0 "
:log info $user
:log info $profilename
:log info $megstotal}


Any help will be appreciated to get it working

Re: Usermanager 5 Script to change rate limits based on usag

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:06 am
by skot
Looks like the syntax labeling has changed... The Rate-limit label no longer exists.
...and has been broken up into multiple labels:
So, you'll have to change this line of your script:
/tool user-manager profile limitation set [find name="$user"] Rate-limit="192k/192k 192k/288k 96k/144k 60/60 0 "
To something like this (except I don't know what that last 0 (zero) was for in your code above...)
/tool user-manager profile limitation set [find name="$user"] rate-limit-rx=192k rate-lim
it-tx=192k rate-limit-burst-rx=192k rate-limit-burst-tx=288k rate-limit-burst-treshold-r
x=96k rate-limit-burst-treshold-tx=144k rate-limit-burst-time-rx=60s rate-limit-burst-ti

Re: Usermanager 5 Script to change rate limits based on usag

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 7:41 pm
by Cobusbu
Thank you very much for your assistance. I am going to try this and will post my findings.


Re: Usermanager 5 Script to change rate limits based on usag

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:51 pm
by Cobusbu
Hi Skot I am completely lost

The script executes only the log info at the bottom but the rate limits are not changed in user-manager

:local user
:local surname
:local bytesin
:local bytesout
:local bytestotal
:local megstotal
:local profilename

/tool user-manager user
:foreach i in=[find customer="admin"] do={

:set user [get $i first-name]
:set surname [get $i last-name]
:set bytesin [get $i download-used]
:set bytesout [get $i upload-used]
:set bytestotal ($bytesin + $bytesout)
:set megstotal ($bytestotal / 1000000)
:set profilename [get $i actual-profile]

:put "megstotal:$megstotal"

:if (($megstotal > 1900) && ($profilename= "1.5 M Uncapped")) do={
/tool user-manager profile limitation set [find name="$user"] rate-limit-rx=192k rate-limit-tx=192k rate-limit-burst-rx=192k rate-limit-burst-tx=288k rate-limit-burst-treshold-rx=96k rate-limit-burst-treshold-tx=144k rate-limit-burst-time-rx=60s rate-limit-burst-time-tx=60s

:log info $user
:log info $profilename
:log info $megstotal}


Re: Usermanager 5 Script to change rate limits based on usag

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:32 am
by skot
If you copy / paste code in Terminal, are there any errors?

Re: Usermanager 5 Script to change rate limits based on usag

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:35 pm
by Cobusbu
There are no errors when I copy into Terminal

Re: Usermanager 5 Script to change rate limits based on usag

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 9:09 am
by skot
When I run that script on v5.21, it erases all the rate limits! Trying to figure it out...

Does it do anything when you run it? Are any of the rates changed or erased?

Re: Usermanager 5 Script to change rate limits based on usag

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:17 am
by skot
Using v5.22, the problem still exists. There are problems when setting values in User Manager > Profiles > Limitations > Rate Limits using the command line. (The web interface works fine. There I can add / edit / remove values without any problem)

I start with a blank Limitation profile:
I try to add a combination of values, or a single value.
/tool user-manager profile limitation set [find name="John"] rate-limit-rx=524288 rate-limit-tx=524288;
/tool user-manager profile limitation set [find name="John"] rate-limit-burst-time-tx=90;

Profile remains blank:
I use Web interface to add values, they work:
It seems that settings these values from the Terminal somehow hinges upon the Rate limit Rx and Rate limit Tx. If I set the Rate limit Rx or Rate limit Rx in the web interface, then I am able to add / edit any of the other rate-limit-... values from the Terminal, one at a time, or in a group. Setting these other values does not seem to cause any problems.
/tool user-manager profile limitation set [find name="John"] rate-limit-burst-rx=2M
/tool user-manager profile limitation set [find name="John"] rate-limit-burst-treshold-rx=512k rate-limit-burst-treshold-tx=256k rate-limit-burst-time-rx=2m rate-limit-burst-time-tx=60
Now if I try to set the Rate limit Rx and Rate limit Tx from the command line, I have mixed results. It seems setting values to a higher number works fine:
/tool user-manager profile limitation set [find name="John"] rate-limit-tx=5M
But sometimes a lower number might cause all rate-limit... values to disappear!
/tool user-manager profile limitation set [find name="John"] rate-limit-rx=512
Web interface still shows previous values, but when I log out / log back in, they are gone again, all blank.

Re: Usermanager 5 Script to change rate limits based on usag

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 11:57 am
by vahidjaf

Re: Usermanager 5 Script to change rate limits based on usag

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 8:14 pm
by Cobusbu
Hi Skot

Thanks for your time spent to help me with the problem

I would not have figured this out myself ;-)

I hope Mikrotik fix this bug soon.

Re: Usermanager 5 Script to change rate limits based on usag

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 10:23 pm
by Cobusbu
Hi Skot

I realized that there is no need for changing the rate limitation details with a script in v 5.22.

When a customer's monthly usage exceed a certain amount of data, a script must activate a predefined profile with reduced speed.

I am struggling with the terminal command to activate a predefined profile.

Do you know what the terminal command is for activating a predefined profile?

Re: Usermanager 5 Script to change rate limits based on usag

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:18 pm
by skot
Do you know what the terminal command is for activating a predefined profile?
This command will create and activate a predefined profile for a user:
/tool user-manager user create-and-activate-profile UserName customer=admin profile="1.5 M Uncapped";
Depending on the Profile settings, this change will either start "Now" or "At first Login"
However, I don't see a command to remove a profile. (You can view available commands by typing, for example, /tool user-manager user, and then pressing Tab):
So, running that command does change the profile, but causes the old profiles to keep stacking up... You can remove them from the web interface, but I can't find where to do this from the command line...

Re: Usermanager 5 Script to change rate limits based on usag

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 6:55 pm
by jparg

How can i Active the profile by the terminal?

Because if i add a new profile, the status is Waiting or Paused, but never is Active.

Do you know what the terminal command is for activating a predefined profile?
This command will create and activate a predefined profile for a user:
/tool user-manager user create-and-activate-profile UserName customer=admin profile="1.5 M Uncapped";
Depending on the Profile settings, this change will either start "Now" or "At first Login"
However, I don't see a command to remove a profile. (You can view available commands by typing, for example, /tool user-manager user, and then pressing Tab):
So, running that command does change the profile, but causes the old profiles to keep stacking up... You can remove them from the web interface, but I can't find where to do this from the command line...