Failover with SIP trunk
Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:52 am
I am trying to get our Panasonic NCP1000 Phone system to work with a failover Internet connection.
After many hours a Telco company told me it won't work because the SIP connection table needs to be flushed (clear out all connections) before the phonesystem will route all traffic over the second Internet connection.
I configured RB750 with Dual WAN ports (static IP) from Telus and Shaw IP providers and default all goes thru Shaw. When Shaw fails all traffic should go to Telus, but apparently the SIP connection table needs to be flushed first.
I found scripts on this forum to clear out connection on:
But how do I trigger this script to run when my Shaw connection fails and how do I add all existing connections in an "abuse" list or is this already taken care off by the script. I am a newby!
Thx in advance!
I am trying to get our Panasonic NCP1000 Phone system to work with a failover Internet connection.
After many hours a Telco company told me it won't work because the SIP connection table needs to be flushed (clear out all connections) before the phonesystem will route all traffic over the second Internet connection.
I configured RB750 with Dual WAN ports (static IP) from Telus and Shaw IP providers and default all goes thru Shaw. When Shaw fails all traffic should go to Telus, but apparently the SIP connection table needs to be flushed first.
I found scripts on this forum to clear out connection on:
Code: Select all
:foreach ENTRY in=[/ip firewall address-list find list="abuse"] do={
:local IP [/ip firewall address-list get number=$ENTRY address ];
:foreach CONN in=[/ip firewall connection find src-address~"^$IP:"] do={
/ip firewall connection remove $CONN;
Thx in advance!