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Mesh using Mikrotik HWMP+ with Ubiquiti Radios

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:08 pm
by cteastman
So trial and error has made me realize that Ubiquiti does better at the "purely dumb wireless" (in my opinion), While Mikrotik offers routing that is incomparable.

Therefore I am considering a mesh network, using the Ubiquiti's in AP-Repeater mode with a dumb bridge to their ethernet port. That ethernet port would be connected to a Mikrotik router, which would then make the routing decisions, treating the Ubiquiti's as basically glorified antenna's.

That being said, would following one of the HWMP+ guides be useful, modifying what they say about the wlan port to assume the Wireless and WDS modes and then running the mesh on the ethernet port attached to the Ubiquiti Device?

Anybody have any experience with said deployment?

Re: Mesh using Mikrotik HWMP+ with Ubiquiti Radios

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:56 am
by dtoffo
Ubiquity does not speak HWMP+ (as any other non-routeros access point... HWMP+ is not standard), so I think that kind of mesh will not be useful. Better a bridge with rstp, in your case, or buy mikrotik AP's and read