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tired to get web proxy access work

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 12:53 pm
by theviper0308
hello everyone.
i was succesfully setup mikrotik with hotspot,user manager and web proxy.

web proxy working fine. all client connected with tranparent proxy.
cache content also work. but i have to block porn website eg using web proxy access.
but after adding that site, client still can go to the blocked site.
i dont know why its not work. can someone help me?
thank you very much. :)

Re: tired to get web proxy access work

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:02 pm
by theviper0308
problem solve. that is because i was add allow action with no config.
thanks to me. :P

Re: tired to get web proxy access work

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 2:54 am
by centralnett
hello everyone.
i was succesfully with mikrotik hotspot setup, user manager and web proxy.

web proxy working fine. all connected with tranparent proxy client.
Also work content cache. but i have to block porn website eg using web proxy access.
but after adding That site, client can still go to the blocked site.
i dont know why its not work. can someone help me?
thank you very much.

Hello friend,
you will have to put in,
ip proxy cache add = dst-host = action = deny.

the client will access redtube usually no more will record in the cache.

to block the sites.

ip proxy acess
add dst-host = action = deny

will appear to the users blocked website

Re: tired to get web proxy access work

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:02 am
by Toiletbowl
hello everyone.
i was succesfully with mikrotik hotspot setup, user manager and web proxy.

web proxy working fine. all connected with tranparent proxy client.
Also work content cache. but i have to block porn website eg using web proxy access.
but after adding That site, client can still go to the blocked site.
i dont know why its not work. can someone help me?
thank you very much.

Hello friend,
you will have to put in,
ip proxy cache add = dst-host = action = deny.

the client will access redtube usually no more will record in the cache.

to block the sites.

ip proxy acess
add dst-host = action = deny

will appear to the users blocked website
I use Opendns (parental control) to block all porn and force dns on your nat to redirect opendns ip