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Copy Address Entrys to Second Router

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 12:32 pm
by vixxant

Mikrotik -----> Mikrotik

I need to mirror dynamic address list entry's from one mikrotik router to another . is there anyway that i can achieve this.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Copy Address Entrys to Second Router

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 12:35 pm
by tomaskir
You will need to script this, there is no other way.

Script the main router (that has the addresses) to telnet/SSH to the other router and add/remove them as neccesary.

Re: Copy Address Entrys to Second Router

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 12:40 pm
by vixxant
i am not familiar with scripting can anyone help me out.

Re: Copy Address Entrys to Second Router

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2012 11:35 pm
by mixig
i am not familiar with scripting can anyone help me out.
Try to ask here:

Re: Copy Address Entrys to Second Router

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 8:52 pm
by skot
This script will do what you are asking. You need to change the IP address, user, and password to match router 2. The script loops through all dynamic address list entries on the router 1, writes them to an auto.rsc file, and uploads it to router 2. On router 2, the uploaded script adds static address list entries and cleans up any old ones that were previously added.

This should be used with the scheduler to run however often you want.

* NOTE * The first time you run the script on router 1, it will create the file on the router 2, but the script will not be executed. I think this is a bug. Every time you run the script after this, the script is executed and works just fine.

# configure remote router info
:local ip;
:local user admin;
:local pass password;

# navigate to address lists
/ip firewall address-list

# initial file setup on local router
:if ([:len [/file find name="DAddrListMirror.txt"]] != 1) do={
	/file print file=DAddrListMirror
	:delay 2s;
	/file set DAddrListMirror.txt contents="";

# set variables
:local addresses;
:local lists;

# loop through all dynamic entries, appending address and list values
:foreach i in=[find where dynamic=yes] do={
	:set addresses ($addresses . "$[get $i address],");
	:set lists ($lists . "$[get $i list],");
# create time stamp variable, used to keep track of new dynamic entries
:local tstamp "DMirror$[/system clock get time]";

# create script for other router
:local output "# Script to update Address Lists with dynamic entries from other router\r\n\r\n";
# create time stamp variable
:set output ($output . ":local tstamp $tstamp\r\n\r\n");
# create lists and addresses variables, convert to arrays
:set output ($output . ":local lists $lists\r\n");
:set output ($output . ":local listsArray [:toarray \$lists];\r\n");
:set output ($output . ":local addresses $addresses\r\n");
:set output ($output . ":local addressesArray [:toarray \$addresses];\r\n\r\n");
# navigate to address lists
:set output ($output . "/ip firewall address-list\r\n");
# loop through arrays, creating firewall rules with time stamp comment
:set output ($output . ":for i from=0 to=( [:len \$listsArray] - 1) do={add address=[:pick \$addressesArray \$i] list=[:pick \$listsArray \$i] disabled=no comment=\$tstamp}\r\n\r\n");
# clean up any old address list entries
:set output ($output . "# Cleanup, remove old dynamic entries\r\n");
# loop through all DMirror comment entries, remove ones that do not match current time stamp
:set output ($output . ":foreach i in=[find where comment~\"DMirror\"] do={:if ([get \$i comment] != \$tstamp) do={remove \$i}}\r\n\r\n");
:set output ($output . "# END");

# write output to a file
/file set DAddrListMirror.txt contents=$output;

# upload file to remote router as *.auto.rsc, so file will execute on upload
# first time file is uploaded, the file will NOT execute (bug?). After that it works fine.
/tool fetch address=$ip src-path=DAddrListMirror.txt user=$user mode=ftp password=$pass port=21 upload=yes;


Re: Copy Address Entrys to Second Router

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2012 5:58 am
by skot
Another thing to remember is that there is a 4KB read/write limit for files. If there are enough dynamic address list items that cause the file to be larger than 4KB, the file won't be created. It will be blank I think...

Re: Copy Address Entrys to Second Router

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:49 am
by vixxant
A little late . but thanks :)

Re: Copy Address Entrys to Second Router

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2016 8:46 am
by tyronzn
Many thanks for the script. Has anyone tried the script on version 6 at all? When running script i get an error on the destination router where script is being sent to "script error: expected end of command (line 5 column 20)"

any help would be much appreciated