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[RoS 5.22] Unable to set 6to4 tunnel via anycast

Sun Dec 16, 2012 12:53 pm


I've been trying to set up 6to4 tunnelling on my RB450G and I've run into problems.

Here's my setup:
/ip address
add address= disabled=no interface=ether1-gateway network=

/interface 6to4
add disabled=no local-address= mtu=1280 name=sit0 remote-address=

/ipv6 address
add address=2002:b287:f31::1/3 advertise=no disabled=no eui-64=no interface=sit0
add address=2002:b287:f31:1::1/64 advertise=no disabled=no eui-64=no interface=ether1-gateway
add address=2002:b287:f31:2::1/64 advertise=yes disabled=no eui-64=no interface=ether2-master-local

/ipv6 route
add disabled=no distance=1 dst-address=2000::/3 gateway=:: scope=30 target-scope=10
I should mention that although I have local address on my ether1-gateway (, it has a public IP ( which is 1:1 mapped on my local one.

With this setup, I am unable to reach any IPv6 address:
/ping 2a00:1450:400d:803::1010
HOST                                     SIZE TTL TIME  STATUS                   
2002:b2f8:f95f::1                         104  64 1ms   address unreachable
I've tried several guides and it looks like I have the exact setup for 6to4 tunnel. I tried updating RoS to 5.22, restarting RB and re-creating all the settings.

Anyone has any idea?

