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Ping failed but ARP-Ping succeeded

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:34 pm
by mickeylm
When trying to ping a divice (AccessPoint) in a subnet, ping failed...

Executing in WinBox Terminal:
[admin@MikroTik] > ping interface=ether3-WLAN-hotspot count=3
HOST SIZE TTL TIME STATUS timeout timeout timeout

... but trying a arp-ping getting valid result...
Executing in WinBox Terminal:
admin@MikroTik] > ping interface=ether3-WLAN-hotspot count=3 arp-ping=yes
00:1D:0F:EA:EB:65 1ms
00:1D:0F:EA:EB:65 0ms
00:1D:0F:EA:EB:65 0ms

what does this mean?
Normally I am not able to ping the destination, why succeeded the arp-ping?

Thanks a lot for help for a MikroTik-newbie ;-)

Re: Ping failed but ARP-Ping succeeded

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 12:03 am
by frego
I would try disabling your firewall rules to see if something is blocking it and look at ip->routes

Re: Ping failed but ARP-Ping succeeded

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 12:50 am
by mickeylm
I'm afraid to turn off the firewall rules and nat would disconnect my VPN connection, because I administer the system away and I need the vpn connection and the corresponding nat rule.
Thanks and Best Regards, Mike.

Re: Ping failed but ARP-Ping succeeded

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 2:37 am
by frego
You can leave the nat stuf... just disable in firewall filters, any icmp drops or rejects. If that sounds too dicey, just ad an entry in the firewall filter above any corresponding drops that does the exact same thing except it logs. Then enable logging for firewall and see which rule is doing it. Use the prefix to distinguish between multiple logging entries in your firewall. Also, you could post your firewall here and see if anyone can spot something.

Re: Ping failed but ARP-Ping succeeded

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:17 pm
by mickeylm
After using DHCP instead of assgning a static ip the ping works and the machine is reachable (after defining a firewall rule).
But I have no idea why not while having a static ip ??
Thanks and best regards, Mike.