I have the dude graphing rf power levels and when the module is down it is still creating a graph based on the last reading. What am doing wrong? Heres an example of a Canopy module (I know I know), but we use both.
I have it setup as a Function with the following commands. I multiple it by -1 because the rf power level pulled is a negative number and dude won't graph it otherwise. But right now I have a link that is down and we are still graphing a -62 power level.
if((oid("iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprises.mot.whispRoot.whispProducts.whispSm.whispSmStatus.radioDbmInt.0")), "","failed")
oid("iso.org.dod.internet.private.enterprises.mot.whispRoot.whispProducts.whispSm.whispSmStatus.radioDbmInt.0")* -1