I`ve just came back from a great 3-day MT training in Budapest (greetings to Peter ), and was full of ideas how to fix several queue issues I have. Unfortunately, after looking into the winbox upto 4:30 AM this morning, I came out with no solution.
We are using PPPoE & radius, and after user connects, Mtik creates a simple queue for every pppoe-%username% interface with priority 8. This works OK, and his general bandwidth is set to the limit I want. But, I would like to allow my users to access our local servers (web, mail, ftp, etc) with higher speed. I would like also to limit their P2P speed (per user, AND total P2P traffic generally) to lower than the bandwidth assigned durring connection.
I tried everything, last idea was to mangle and mark the packets based on DST address for local servers, and build a queue tree that should give higher speed, but come out with no luck and no speed change at all
I also tried to make a new simple queue that will limit ALL the previously marked P2P packets, for all users, but this made another weird thing:
It DID made speed changes, but....
If user has e.g. 128k bandwidth, and I set up a queue that will limit all P2P traffic to 2Mbit, and if the other users are not utilising P2P, this user exceed his rate limit, and downloads with 2Mbit speed!!!
Ii is obviously that this queue is executed before the queue on the users interface, and Mtik later ignores the queue that should limit generally his traffic to 128k. It happens even if I set the priority for all p2p queue to 1.
I`m really out of ideas, and ANY help or suggestion you can provide is highly wellcome!