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Queue - HELP, please!

Sat Feb 18, 2006 10:53 am

I`ve just came back from a great 3-day MT training in Budapest (greetings to Peter :) ), and was full of ideas how to fix several queue issues I have. Unfortunately, after looking into the winbox upto 4:30 AM this morning, I came out with no solution.
We are using PPPoE & radius, and after user connects, Mtik creates a simple queue for every pppoe-%username% interface with priority 8. This works OK, and his general bandwidth is set to the limit I want. But, I would like to allow my users to access our local servers (web, mail, ftp, etc) with higher speed. I would like also to limit their P2P speed (per user, AND total P2P traffic generally) to lower than the bandwidth assigned durring connection.
I tried everything, last idea was to mangle and mark the packets based on DST address for local servers, and build a queue tree that should give higher speed, but come out with no luck and no speed change at all :(

I also tried to make a new simple queue that will limit ALL the previously marked P2P packets, for all users, but this made another weird thing:
It DID made speed changes, but....
If user has e.g. 128k bandwidth, and I set up a queue that will limit all P2P traffic to 2Mbit, and if the other users are not utilising P2P, this user exceed his rate limit, and downloads with 2Mbit speed!!!
Ii is obviously that this queue is executed before the queue on the users interface, and Mtik later ignores the queue that should limit generally his traffic to 128k. It happens even if I set the priority for all p2p queue to 1.

I`m really out of ideas, and ANY help or suggestion you can provide is highly wellcome!
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Mon Feb 20, 2006 9:13 am

Anybody, ANY suggestion? Please.... :(
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Tue Feb 21, 2006 2:15 am

Really nobody wanna help a stupid guy like me? :(
I`m giving up.....
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Tue Feb 21, 2006 2:40 am

You should not create a dynamic queue with the radius server, in that way you can do what you want with mangle ;)

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Tue Feb 21, 2006 9:31 am

Finally an answer :) Thanx a lot cibernet :)

Well, I don`t know how to make them static! The queue is created by Mtik after the user logs in, and in radius I`m using the `Ascend-Data-Rate=524288` fox example, if I want the user to have 512k bandwidth. In the manual at radius section there is not even a word about dynamic/static queues :(
Should I use `Rate-Limit` instead? I don`t see any difference except that with `Rate-Limit` I can also control burst etc.
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Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:14 pm

Please make short (step-by-step) explanation to the desired configuration.

As cibernet allready mentioned, you should use only static queues!
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Thu Feb 23, 2006 2:24 am

Well, as I said, we use Mikrotik to run PPPoE server on it, and for some firewalling. PPPoE users are authenticated by radius, and after the authentication is succesfull, user logs in, and Mikrotik creates a new interface (pppoe-username) and aslo creates a simle queue for that interface based on the data that is stored in mysql database (bandwidth)
This bandwidth limiting is working OK, (mainly 256/256k) it is dynamic, as the interface is temporary, lasts until the user logs out. Then his interface dissapears, and the simple queue assigned to his interface also vanishes. But the bandwidth limit is set up for all traffic. I would like, for start, to give the users much higher bandwidth if they try to leech from local FTP, local web server, even when they share data on local network, which is /24.
I set up a new mangle, and marked all packets with destination of this /24 I need. After that I fist set up a new simple queue that should limit this kind of traffic to 512k/512k. my second try was to make a queue tree and to the similar thing as with simple queue. But, no speed changes at all :(

I have another doubt with limiting P2P traffic, but for start I will be very happy if I success in local traffic speed upgrade.

Thanx for any suggestion you have!
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Thu Feb 23, 2006 9:34 am

In simple queues packet precessed through the queues one-by-one from the first one to the last one, if the traffic is catched in the first queue it will not proceed to the next queue.

Dynamic simple queue appears in the end of the simple queue list, so I make assumption if you will use correct mangle setting and make correct static simple queues there will be no problems - so check your mangle settings!
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Thu Feb 23, 2006 10:35 am

If you use simple queues - use prerouting mangle chain, it is only chain where you can mangle traffic before global-in queue.

If you use forward chain in the mangle - upload part of the simple queue will not work
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Fri Feb 24, 2006 12:37 am

Thank you very much for answer.
I have a question: If I mangle the packets that are related to local traffic, set up a new simple queue and limit the bandwidth to 1mbit, will this limit be per user or general limitation?