Hi sir
the ping retun value is defined to be related to the # of count set in the ping command .
That is the theory ... but you need some effective and working solution so I'll stop here the words and now the substances
to get the rtt on the average I used a workaround using the /tool flood-ping utility ; adapt the following to your requirement :
Suppose you need to monitor greencomputik.com host and make decision based on the avg-rtt ,
:local avgRtt ; /tool flood-ping greencomputiK.com count=3 do={
:if ($sent = 3) do={
:set avgRtt $"avg-rtt"
:put $avgRtt;
and here you have the output /th above code is included in script1) :
[nic.greencomputik@greencomputik-lan.net] /system script> run script1
sent: 3
received: 3
min-rtt: 70
avg-rtt: 70
max-rtt: 71
fetched rtt :70
Hoping that will help you.
greeting from greencomputiK land