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Problem running PPPoE Server for conn over 2,5 Mbps

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 1:23 pm
by natanielklug
Hello all,

I am running a network with many fiber optic connections and I wish to run PPPoE server to make my AAA. The problem is that for conections over 2,5 Mbps I can't deliver the full bandwidth to the client. I made some testes running this configuration over FreeRadius:
Mikrotik-Rate-Limit = 2000k/10000k
So I wish that my client get into the network and use 10Mbps download and 2 Mbps upload. The problem is download for this client did not get over 2,5 Mbps. Running some configurations I found the problem is over the queue type and it's kind. It's set to use pfifo with 10 pkg. I tried different configurations and I got into pfifo 100 pkg as the best for download but, for some unknow reasons, my upload get crazy and go over the limited amount something about 60% for speed under 1 Mbps (going to 1,6 Mbps of total upload bandwidth) and something about 35% for speed over 1 Mbps.

This is making my network full of upload and I don't want this type of traffic over what my client has for the limit.

Wich should be the best configuration for this Queue Type usage over 2,5 Mbps?


Nataniel Klug

Re: Problem running PPPoE Server for conn over 2,5 Mbps

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 2:36 pm
by natanielklug
No reply? Not even from Mikrotik?

Re: Problem running PPPoE Server for conn over 2,5 Mbps

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 3:59 am
by mahnet
I have faced similar problems with pppoe and ques but no idea how to solve it.
I even configured usermanager n thing still same.
dedicated simple ques for each user is some what good but it means 200 users have 200 queues.
and moreover how do we log sessions on routerboard for the 200 diff queues.

I had to change to another bandwidth manager.

Re: Problem running PPPoE Server for conn over 2,5 Mbps

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 6:17 am
by lambert
Can you show us the relevant parts of the config of your MikroTik? We can't help much when we are guessing about how your system is configured.

You might want to post screenshots of winbox showing the queues and pppoe interfaces while you are having the problem.

Re: Problem running PPPoE Server for conn over 2,5 Mbps

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 10:51 pm
by bmv
I also get this issue with clients connecting via PPP from UBNT radios and using RADIUS AAA with MK routers.

I sell 30 Mbps down and 5 Mbps up to the customer.
I set the RADIUS rate-limit slightly higher at 35 Mbps down and 6 Mbps up.
(RADIUS mikrotik-rate-limit is set to: 6M/35M.)

When clients run a speedtest however, they only see 22-24 Mbs down, and usually the upload speed is delivered at 5-6 Mbps which is good.

Removing the simple queue that is auto generated when clients authenticate, and retesting the speedtest results in clients seeing 70+ Mbps down and 70+ Mbps up.

The simple queues aren't working!!

I could change my rate-limit to 6M/45M or something higher, however the test creeps up to 30Mbps, however if those clients run bit torrent or download lots of files at once, they will eventually get to 45Mbps.

Rather than relying on simple queues, I have tried enabling traffic engineering on the UBNT radio to 6M/35M. Clients see 30+ Mbps down and 5+ Mbps up.

What do I need to do to make this work more accurately and deliver the 30 Mbps I need to deliver with the current RADIUS, PPP, MK Queues?

Re: Problem running PPPoE Server for conn over 2,5 Mbps

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 3:33 am
by lambert
Sounds like the simple queues are getting approximately 85% of their scheduled bandwidth for a single stream. I don't use simple queues, so I'm not sure why that is. We use queue tree.

Re: Problem running PPPoE Server for conn over 2,5 Mbps

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:15 am
by bmv
Sounds like the simple queues are getting approximately 85% of their scheduled bandwidth for a single stream. I don't use simple queues, so I'm not sure why that is. We use queue tree.
But with queue tree, (we especially), would have to enable con tracking, packet marketing, routing marketing, and then go from there.
We'd like t avoid this, as I don't know whether it will scale particularly well.

PCQ also doesn't sound like the best thing as if I set the limiter to 35 Mbs down and 6 Mbps down, that will supposedly limit the first customer absolutely fine. However if the second user comes in, they will get half that bandwidth.
I don't want this behaviour.

I'm not aware I'd an adequate solution?

Re: Problem running PPPoE Server for conn over 2,5 Mbps

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 8:47 pm
by lambert
In 5.x and lower, Queue trees are supposed to be more efficient than simple queues. In 6.x, there is not supposed to be any distinction from a performance perspective.

I think you've misunderstood how PCQ works. You set the limits in your PCQ queue definition. That limit works for each matching condition set in the queue type.

If you then set a limit on your queue tree rule which utilizes your PCQ queue type definition, traffic matched by that queue tree rule will be limited to that total amount and the all matching streams will have to share that amount of bandwidth, just like any other queue type.

If you don't put limits on your queue tree rule which utilizes the PCQ type, every classifier match can utilize up to the full limits of the type definition. I can have 5 users with a classifier match on src-address or dst-address and a packet-mark of 3mbpscustomers in the queue tree rule with no limits which uses the custom queue type name 3mbps-download and that rule in the queue tree will see up to 15Mbps of traffic. Each user gets up to 3Mbps and no more. If another user shows up matching the requirements to have their packets marked as 3mbpscustomer, the queue tree rule will then be able to reach up to 18Mbps.

I'm pretty sure my explanation is not very clear. I don't have time to do a better job. I'm sorry.

The wiki can probably clarify it for you: ... Q_Examples