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Suggest directional antenna for RB751?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 2:52 am
by macsrwe
Client has a home router but also wants to serve a workshop just outside her router's range. I was thinking of just replacing the router with an RB751 and hooking up a directional antenna to the external MMCX jack.

I'm asking to see what particular model antenna people like and have used in the past for this purpose -- a modest SOHO directional antenna, hopefully with a compatible connector.


Re: Suggest directional antenna for RB751?

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 2:18 pm
by cbrown
If you are stuck on using the directional antenna I would just use an SXTG-2HnD. But you might be better off setting up a pair of 751Gs and making one a repeater and setting it in her shop. Without seeing everything or knowing more about the layout it is hard to tell.

Re: Suggest directional antenna for RB751?

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 12:13 pm
by MacLean
We use these all the time with 433AHs and R52s. ... 19&eq=&Tp=


Re: Suggest directional antenna for RB751?

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 12:42 am
by Sergio72
Check this out ... -5-20.html

I have used dual polarity antennas from WiBOX, but I have have spoken with WISPs who used single polarity.

Nice design.

Re: Suggest directional antenna for RB751?

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 1:07 am
by macsrwe
The WiBOX looks very nice, but is a router enclosure, plus it doesn't seem to be available in the US. I was looking for something more on the order of a dumb directional antenna capable of plugging into the provided MMCX jack in the RB751. In other words, this level of product:


As it turns out, after viewing this client's physical layout, the distance and layout requirement is more demanding than I expected, so I'm going to go with StationTik box at the remote site containing an RB411 PTP unit plus an additional radio card to run a small local omni. Thanks for your help.